Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can we pretend from now on that there is no yesterdays

If yesterday did not exist
Regret would be an unnecessary winter coat
On this escalator I hope to not look back
So I wince as hard as I can
Because I hear the world collapsing and pain colliding,
But while my eyes tear, I don’t cry
Trust bonds our hearts and hands brothers, sisters, lovers, mothers, and friends
I reach, clinch, and hope to embrace what was once
Leaving it, I don’t look back
Can we just start from here?
Distance whispers “can we pretend from now on that there is no yesterday?

Every glimpse back whips welts against my back
Amnesia is an unfortunately necessary ointment
To past actions that are less than popular complements
Applied to the mind like repainting sections on canvas
My painter’s hands stained with amnesia
where am I? and what was when?
But Ambition hopes without sunsets,
Causing my pocket-size flux capacitor light to start flashing
Scales for hands try to weigh future decisions
While eye shut confidence guides my next step
Eye witnesses question what is this “walk an unseen path concept?”
My escalator has no stairs
In Search of the Holy Grail this is the last crusade
How did he get from here to there with no hand rails?

What is now if there never was a then?
It is a possibility with a deficiency
It is a potential without passion
Lets re-learn to love, lets re-learn to live
Never to recall, never to remember but maybe we can forgive

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