Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spiritual Search

I have always thought of myself as a spiritual person. I was baptized in a Baptist church but grew up in a Methodist church. I now feel myself not fulfilled by my church and I am searching to learn more about religion it self and other major religions. I hope that can be my journey to continue learning about the major religions. I hope to do that threw the lens of a mind set that I learn from everyone and I can offer enlightenment too in some respect. Currently I am practicing self-denial, prayer, penitence, and almsgiving during this season of Lent. I am still working on penitence and almsgiving because I have not taken the time to understand these parts of the Season of Lent. And my work schedule has made it difficult to give to or to volunteer to charity even though I one week I signed up but could make because I got called in for a job. This Year during Lent I have given up alcohol, red meat, and the infrequent porn site. Denying myself these pleasures I took pleasure in before have been an eye opening experience for me in that I don't occupy my free time with those pleasures. I have spent more time self reflecting not only to better myself but to how I could serve others in my daily adventures.I am far from putting these goals of a better person and serving others into actions. I am not sure if all this self denial and knowledge about religion will be helpful or beneficial later. Maybe it is just a phase I am going through. But hopefully I can continue this journey after lent of serving others and bettering myself with learning about my religion and other major religions and practices to possibly understand life better.

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