Sunday, October 16, 2011


My mom always had two questions in the morning
1. Do you know it’s time to get up?
2. Do you need help getting ready?
I wanted to grow up so fast. First day of school First time in a 2nd grade class.
“No Ma, I can dress myself and I can brush my own teeth”
So I put on my Purple baggy shorts, Bugs and Taz chris cross shirt
Ninja turtle’s book bag traded out for a Big boy jansport bag
But as I headed out the grabbing my discounted lunch fare
I sighed
Good grief! It’s raining and recess is probably canceled
Now we have to play that stupid parachute game
That I always look forward to
And some how I always out first, it’s a stupid game anyway
So what If I didn’t make it to the other side in time
That’s fine when we play transformers, I’ll be Optimus Prime
Two classes down the rain canceled recess on the playground so now its lunchtime
Why is how loud we talk in the lunchroom controlled by a traffic light?
Who do they think we are, drivers with trays for headlights?
Parking at tables with seats attached
I say we detour and Doolittle Raid the Teacher’s lounge down the hall on the right
Smash open the vending machine!
Two snacks for everyone every kid alike even that bully named Lewis.

Next morning I was called to the office
The office where I could not see over the desk
Feeling like sergeant being strip of my metals I stood in fear,
Statuesque as this trombone voice chastises me and my rebellion
“My rebellion and me” according trombone voice
As he shook that large finger like a baton
All I could say is “yes sir,” Hobbes even tried to vouch for me
But as the principal paced in back and forth
And his stensons and trombone voice drowned out Hobbes’ alibi plea
It’s going to be a long walk home
This note is a sure death sentence safety pinned to my shirt
I can just imagine when I get home, its gonna hurt
Why weren’t Lucy, Linus, Woodstock or Snoopy there in my defense?
The Peanut gallery is never there when you need them
Wait, I could run away, Tom and Huck it down that creek near the house
Endless days of torn jeans and shoeless feet
Scavenging meals, camping in make shift tent old bed sheets escaping the heat
Chewing on straws of hay
Skipping rocks in the creek
But I guess I would miss out on afternoon fox kids shows
And my superman comics I would need too,
How could I leave my toys Michangelo orange Leonardo blue
So when I reached home and gave the letter to mom
I did not breathe and time stopped as she began and finished reading
Staring at me with those eyes
I guess she noticed
My attempt to make it say something a little nicer about my actions of that day
But Mama had something in store
Little I knew she had talk to the principal the day before
Instead of punishment I was sent to 5th grade
Science class with that teacher with red veins in her eyes
As she taught, classmate’s eyes would wonder why I was there
But I was too busy dealing with acrophobia as my legs dangle from the desk chair
And wiping snot as it dangles from my nose hairs
I rather be back in my old class
Where everyday requires a presentation poster board
Islands and fjords were my subjects for Science fair projects
Or when we were assigned treats to bring during movie days
Those days come just before summer break
I can’t wait to spend endless days watching TV
Passing off traced cartoon fakes

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