Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prelude to the Kiss

Suddenly I was deaf
Here in this moment of truth my heart is in fast forward
But my movement in slow motion
And this moment is what I truly cherish
It is the singular point where connections are made
Or second guessed because of that missing spark
Leaving most of us like chin scratching abstract art
But then the questions start
Will she enjoy this?
Do I make the first move?
Do I just dive on in?
Or do I try to be nonchalant and smooth?
This awkward silence and exchange of infrequent blinks isn’t how I imagined this going

I try to relax
But she is really beautiful
Staring right at me
seconds explode into hours it seems
and I am in a trance
Nothing else matters
I even told God to please leave a message after the beep

Suddenly we are embraced through our palms
My sweaty palms don’t hide my anticipation
our feet haven’t moved
but we are getting closer
Our foreheads touch our lips don’t
From my lungs to her lips from her lungs to my lips
Our breath exchange crosses this space
Lost in her eyes
I hope to find my way back
Because this moment it too important to miss
This will be our first
But this is only the prelude to the kiss

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