Sunday, October 16, 2011

The man with the Forever Frown

The man with the Forever Frown had such stare His hat kept hidden his once where there was hair His upturned lip and simple stone eyes weren’t angry Just glassy and permanently uninterested He dressed in his gray jacket and army green pants Shirts he would wear were plaid tucked neatly in his pants No one could ever could tell whether he was sad or angry His facial expression never reacted his frown was consistent As was the small dark cloud that would follow him that he names persistence Even the space he occupied became cold whenever he was there for long Form here to there routinely from the post office to the food mart for his needs
Vibrant colors would fade to muted monotones in his vicinity Eeore even pitied him
The man with the Forever Frown continued in his emotional routine

One day during his well-worn routine He unusually crossed the path of a woman with a Porcelain Gaze Her expression as static as his he noticed dressed in a crinkle cotton dress modestly a large purse permanently ornated her arm Her porcelain blank stare expressed an undecided smile and frown Apathetic she seemed but her eyes to him seem to gleam They paused in passing shocked like viewing a shooting star His fixed dark eyes intrigued her Approaching each other like magnets they are curious and entranced

His cold dark world and her Sepia tone realm collided Like the tide against the shore Receding revealing these two Each with a hand on each other faces Cheeks palmed her porcelain gaze began to crack His frown began to melt There together their emotions they took turns to unpack

Smile even though its face breaking Light up your face with the elation in peace of mind Gone was every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near You’ll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile 

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